I am a highly focused executive with twenty-nine years of experience in Fortune 100 Companies, providing a background in Financial Systems, Telecommunications, IT, and Business Consulting. I have proven leadership in implementation and software development, business and strategic planning, national program management and funding, product development and implementation, financial systems business solution design and large systems integration (delivered over $218M in custom and package software applications).

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 2/2000 - Present |
KPMG | (Confidential) | 9/1997 - 1/2000 |
Verizon/GTE | (Confidential) | 6/1978 - 4/1997 |

Angelo state University | Psychology | 1978 | Associate Degree |

Employment Summary: SunGard Brokerage and Clearing Services VP Relationship Management Provided Leadership and Account Service Direction for the following clients: o Ameriprise Financial Services o Wells Fargo Institutional Brokerage Services o US Bancorp Investments. Design and implementation of brokerage software products strategy, client specific product and component design for the Strategic Brokerage Platform Mentoring and Service improvement management initatives for all SG Brokerage systems and support teams. Single Senior Management Point of Contact for clients , single point of escalation to Group COO and CEO at Sungard. Direction and support of end to end business solutions design utilizing Sungard systems, client legacy, and third party software in the program trading, algorithmic trading, OMS, non-dollar trading and processing, market and operational risk, third party administration, regulatory compliance, trust accounting and wealth management, prime brokerage, asset management, collateral management, fund accounting, annuities, fixed income, market data , compliance and patriot act software and institutional and retail brokerage portions of the financial services industry. Contract negotiation and procurement. Consultative relationship management at CXX levels of the organizations SunGard serves. Provided thought leadership and quality management of the following : o Lead onsite professional service teams and operational service teams for each clients in my realm of responsibility Total headcount of approximately 28 onsite and 98 offsite. Managed Account and Service management personnel. o Worked with Services Support SVP and Clients to establish operational and quality Service level agreements to assure high performance that was performance based and incented. o Worked with Global Account Manager to assist in client interaction and strategic sales opportunities. o Established Trust relationships with client, sold based on product needs and demands that were driven by client Business direction. o Structured Contract Renewals and Expansions in excess of 135M SunGard Corporate - 2004-2006- Global Client Director Global Solutions Management Lead the Global Solution Management Team for the Top 10 Sungard clients. Design and implementation of global software products strategy Design and execution of Global Account plans supporting ING, Citibank, Wachovia, ABN AMRO, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, American Express/Ameriprise, Mitsubishi Tokyo and Bank of New York focused on alignment to their key business initiatives. Direction and support of end to end business solutions design utilizing Sungard systems, client legacy, and third party software in the program trading, algorithmic trading, OMS, non-dollar trading and processing, market and operational risk, third party administration, regulatory compliance, trust accounting and wealth management, prime brokerage, asset management, collateral management, fund accounting, and institutional brokerage portions of the financial services industry. Contract negotiation and procurement. Consultative relationship management at CXX levels of the organizations SunGard serves. Provided thought leadership and quality management of the following : o Developed and conducted client relationship assessments for Sungard business units to determine key areas of improvement for the overall relationship, both from a Sungard and Client perspective. Reported findings and developed service improvement programs to address these areas. o Developed and implemented a PMO structure that included the following: IT Operational Evaluations for embedded applications Program Governance and Controls Software Quality Assurance Methodology (CMM Compliant) Systems Requirements Methodology (CMM Compliant) Pre-Implementation Risk Assessments Software Release management Retention and growth of client revenue base of more than $120M. SunGard EnFORM Consulting, LC 2000-2004 Northeast Engagement Director Responsible for P& L Management of the Dallas and NY offices as applied to NE Projects and professional services resources Design and implementation of sales strategy and sales account planning. Direction and support of sales staff for the Dallas and New York offices. Final approval of marketing and sales collateral for all trade and industry events. Staff management, Sales and Client Account Management Contract negotiation. Interaction and relationship management at CXX levels of the organizations we serve. Direction of the following projects: o Directed the retirement and replacement implementation of treasury client access systems for a JP Morgan Chase.. o Directed the Americas implementation and integration of a market and credit risk application for a global bank in the wholesale, mortgage backed securities and insurance lines of business. (Adaptiv, and Credient) o Directed the implementation of a Sungard Trust Accounting platform (AddVantage) for a large multinational banking institution. o Directed the custom development of an operational resilience, planning and event management application for the SunGard Availability Services. Involved the collapse of 6 systems into a single .NET/ SQL 2003 architecture. $2.4M program. o Custom build, integration and implementation of a comprehensive UNEP flow-through ordering, provisioning and billing platform for the largest privately owned CLEC in the United States (VarTec). The product utilized Java Script, C++, ASP,CORBA, and XML with an Oracle 8i database. o Custom build, integration and implementation of template and wizard modules for a web based network configuration, ASP. Managed the ASP set up in EnFORMs hosting facility, and directed the creation of the ASP testing organization. o Implementation and customization of an SEI/ISO 9000 compliant Business Requirements Methodology for large (over $1 Billion annual revenue), privately owned long distance provider. Worked with senior management to develop Business and Systems Requirements organization, including skills profiles, sizing, and key metrics and measures. o Customer development of an eCommerce web site and application to market and sell credit and financial services. (Java, JSP, SQL7). Winner of the International Web Designers and Developers Golden Web Award, 2001-2002. o Development of an eCommerce application to be used by a national direct marketing firm for the collection and management of sweepstakes data gathered via the web and internet kiosks. o Buildout, Standard Operating Procedure and client implementation of the EnFORM Hosting facility in Richardson, Texas. o QA Management for the development of an Intranet for the largest Sprint PCS Agent (Alamosa PCS) in the country. Including the integration of an HRIS package to support all employee records and services, and a LAN/WAN help desk trouble ticket package. o Lead an Executive Task Force for the client (same as above) to assess the clients internal data center and IT infrastructure. Provided roadmap and recommendations on organizational and process changes to assist client in establishing a dependable and efficient IT business model. o Implementation and customization of an SEI/ISO 9000 compliant Systems Testing and User Acceptance Testing Methodology for large (over $1 Billion annual revenue), privately owned long distance provider). Worked with senior management to develop testing organization, including skills profiles, sizing, and key metrics and measures. KPMG Consulting 1998-2000 Last Position Sr. Manager, Large Systems Integration Directed the implementation and shadow managed the ongoing systems enhancement of SBC Wireless Point of Sale and Inventory Management System (Compass) during the PACBELL, COMCAST,SNET and AMERITECH mergers. Data Warehousing project utilizing Informatica, and NCR TeraData DB Business Process Engineering for Release Management and Quality Assurance Quality Assurance for Amdocs Wireless Billing System Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence for Regional POS integration GTE/Verizon 1978-1998 Last position Director Program Management, NOCV Managed GTE SW CABS (IMS/DB2) Implementation - $64M, 72 headcount cross functional project team. o Direction of development, test and implementation for 11 separate Telcos in GTE Corporation o High revenue impact, preserved the continuance of a $19 billion wholesale revenue stream, while reducing un-collectable revenues from 180 day cycle to a 30 day cycle. Directed 3.5 Year, $160M, Implementation for National Order Collection Vehicle (retail ordering, provisioning, activation and billing system front end) thin client, combined platform, IMS/DB2, OOAD/ Oracle (NOCV). Attained SEI Level 2 rating. 378 headcount cross functional project team. o Resulted in the convergence of over 600 independent operating systems and 86 interfacing systems through-out the GTE Retail systems platform. o Established a standard order management/provisioning/activation platform, and fully integrated back office, enabling almost $500M yearly savings in system infrastructure and operations cost. o Leveraged funds allocated to project to improve and refine retail customer care processes, and streamline organizational throughput. Resulted in increased volume call handling and service activation, improving cost of acquisition by 56%. o Enabled first express dial tone service offering among the major ILECs for multi unit premises. o Strategically enabled entry of GTE into full competitive open market transition, (OMT) and paved the way for federal compliance of Open Network Architecture, (ONA). o Constructed the Change Control Board for both IT and the business units that enabled a reduction in non-productive enhancement and change requests while still achieving business objectives. Developed and Implemented IT Program Management Methodology for GTE (now Verizon) o Set standards for hiring, performance, and compensation of PMs. o Institutionalized PM methodology that was piloted during NOCV then utilized in all ongoing IT projects o Established guidelines for strategic funding and control gating of Executive Top 20 projects to create focus and avoid redundant spending on IT infrastructure. Established Charter Corporate Program Management membership for GTE, through PMI. Project managed PMO for Process Re-Engineering ($1Billion budget) to restructure key business processes immediately following the first round of de-regulation of Telecom, and in preparation for final round that would separate wholesale from retail and network. o Included the oversight and organization of 73 key process area projects that resulted in achieving an industry benchmark in terms of network performance and measurement, systems infrastructure consolidation, financial evaluation and market positioning measures, and significant headcount reductions (over 4600). Retail and Access Customer Care, NOC and Data Center Operations CLEC Ordering and Flow Through Provisioning Customer Contact Center Management Wholesale and Retail /Access Network Provisioning (ASR/LSR) HiCap, and Special Services Design Bandwidth Trading Retail Ordering, Provisioning, Activation and Billing (OSS and CBSS) Wholesale Billing Systems (CABS), Wholesale Billing Center Management IT Project and Program Management Contract and Procurement Management IT Systems Strategic Planning Systems Measures and Metrics Telecom Business Process Re-Engineering Waterfall, SDLC and RAD Systems Development and Estimating SEI/ISO Compliance for Software Testing and Engineering Education: Angelo State University Major Psychology - 1984 PMI PMP Certification # 4155 MIT FORUM - Discussion Panel for Power vs. Telecom Deregulation September 2002 Club 100% Sungard , Directors (Top 20%) Award all years with SunGard.Companies I like:

Job Skills


Hold and Manage relationship for the Client that generates 40% of Brokerage and Clearing
Have been successful in helping to turn a situation where client was threatening service legal actions into one where letters of accomondation and client awards for service have now occurred