Mr. Schultheiss is presently performing consulting work for Michigan State Universities' Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Performing analysis primarily structural to show that a cavity helium vessel and its tuner meet ASME code using design by analysis procedures. Mr. Schultheiss was the lead analysis engineer for Advanced Energy Systems (AES). His expertise includes structural thermal fluid flow vibration magnetic and electromagnetic analysis. Mr. Schultheiss was program manager for the "High-average-current RF Photoinjector for high power FEL" for which he was responsible for the mechanical design thermal management and manufacturing. This electron gun is a built up brazed structure. It has successfully completed thermal management tests by Los Alamos National Laboratory removing more than 700kW of RF wall losses. Mr. Schultheiss was program manager for the "High Power Fundamental Power Coupler for Next Generation Light Source." This was a Phase II SBIR to develop a 500 kW power coupler for a SRF cavity for the BNL NSLS II. Mr. Schultheiss was program manager for three Phase I SBIRs related to room temperature and SRF electron guns. He has successfully written and been awarded several Small Business Innovative Research Grants. In his latest SBIR program Mr. Schultheiss developed a RT thermionic gun for the upgrade APS program at Argonne National Lab. He also developed a SRF cavity and cryostat design with JLAB that uses cryocoolers instead of a large helium system.

