Trusted Finance Executive with extensive and diverse experience in publicly-traded and private equity-sponsored corporate environments. Versatile leader who drives value by producing results, enhancing flexibility and reducing risk in complex and high-growth environments. Combines policy-level decision-making capabilities with technical skills and 'hands-on' approach to deliver practical and effective solutions. Thinks globally and is adept at integrating international operations and managing multinational teams. Proven experience in applying collaborative management style, creativity, strong work ethic and professional integrity to inspire confidence in colleagues, senior management, and external stakeholders. Demonstrated competencies include: * Cash forecasting and working capital management * Contract review and negotiations * Bank and rating agency relationships * Corporate finance and capital markets * International treasury operations * Team leadership and development * Financial policies and procedures * M&A and investment analysis and integration * Risk management and insurance * Foreign exchange and interest rate hedging * Compliance and internal controls * Financial modeling, analysis and forecasting P R O FES S ION AL E XP E R IE N C E TREASURY & RISK SOLUTIONS, Silver Spring, MD October 2015 - Present Provider of treasury and risk management consulting services Principal SCIENTIFIC GAMES CORPORATION, Las Vegas, Nevada (formerly New York, NY) Worldwide manufacturer, content developer and software integrator for gaming and lottery markets. Private equity firm MacAndrews & Forbes is largest shareholder Vice President & Treasurer 2001 - September 2015 Overall responsibility for capital structure, liquidity, risk management and insurance of $2+B revenue public company with operations and investments in over 15 countries. Key member of M&A team responsible for 15+ acquisitions including transformational $5.2 billion deal. Managed relationships with banks, credit investors and rating agencies. Developed and prepared financial forecasts, debt compliance tests and reporting packages. Evaluated and mitigated foreign exchange and interest rate risks through intercompany netting and external hedges. Supported preparation of all SEC reporting deliverables. Partnered with Tax department to develop tax-efficient entity structures. Executed share buyback programs. * Key member of management team that grew revenues from $80M in 1994 to over $2.5B in 2015 * Raised over $12B in debt and equity financings including structuring, negotiating and financial modeling * Led financing and conducted analysis, due diligence and integration of 20 acquisitions and joint ventures * Advisor to senior management on financing structure for all material investments/acquisitions * Active Board member of Greek joint venture negotiated shareholder agreement provisions * Developed treasury function and scaled to handle high growth environment in over 15 countries * Evaluated, negotiated and documented over $1B notional amount of interest rate and FX hedges * Evaluated and implemented UK cash pool reduced costs by 20% and improved liquidity by GBP 3 million * Negotiated cap on parent guarantee of underfunded UK pension freeing up GBP 80 million of subsidiary liquidity Robert C. Becker Treasurer 1996 - 2001 Responsible for global liquidity management, supported global M&A activities, prepared financial analysis to support financing/investment decisions, oversaw debt compliance reporting and directed risk management. Drafted, negotiated and administered a portfolio of standby letters of credit. Established cash investment policy. * Developed Board-level debt compliance dashboard providing critical visibility of capacity metrics * Negotiated terms and documentation for a RMB 260 million term loan to fund greenfield investment in China * Led effort to harmonize disclosure of certain financial data for SEC, FP&A and bank compliance reporting * Co-lead analysis, negotiation and documentation of $600M of financing for transformational acquisition * Aggressively managed $200 million surety bond program, reducing costs 50% and collateral 99% * Consolidated local insurance policies into a cohesive global program reduced costs and improved coverage * Implemented procedures and trained staff that resulted in consistently highest internal audit ratings * Developed and implemented budget-based cash control procedures for a $50M start-up in Mexico Assistant Treasurer 1994 - 1996 Managed daily cash transactions, administered stock option program, prepared debt compliance testing and prepared financial modeling to support financing and investment decisions. * Successfully managed cash resources through business downturn and critical liquidity challenges * Instituted procedures for inaugural global daily cash position reporting from subsidiaries in 7 countries * Developed accounting reports for tracking cash, debt and insurance expenses that accelerated GL closing * Implemented company's first routine 13 - week rolling cash flow forecast * Performed financial/risk analysis which helped guide decision on a $50M emerging market opportunity ADDIT IO N AL R E LE V AN T E XP E R IE NC E FULLER COMPANY (subsidiary of Danish public company F. L. SMIDTH & CO A/S), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Assistant Treasurer for manufacturer of cement plants and mining equipment for customers worldwide. Managed daily liquidity of US-based subsidiary. Extensive experience drafting, negotiating and administering a portfolio of export and standby letters of credit for projects around the world. Obtained cement plant project financing from U.S. EXIM Bank and Canadian EDC and traveled to Thailand, Indonesia and China to negotiate LC documentation. Managed banking relationships and ensured compliance with financial covenants. Negotiated secured bank credit facilities.

