Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) to be deployed * All software development was in C and met all of NASA's flight-critical standards 2003 according to FARs 14 CFR Parts Interfaced with Low-level Linux drivers and FPGA hardware to collect radiation data to be used to protect the Health and Lives of Astronauts at the ISS. * All software development was in C and to NASA's safety-critical standards. * 100% Linux Host / Target development and debugging using the Eclipse software package with Subversion (SVN) configuration control Bugzilla for software tracking and corrections. * Modified existing software to correct errors to adapt it to new hardware or to upgrade interfaces and improve performance. * Advised customer about or perform maintenance of software system. * Analyzed information to determine recommend and plan installation of a new system or modification of an existing system. * Consulted with engineering staff to evaluate interface between hardware and software develop specifications and performance requirements or resolve customer problems. * Directed software programming and development of documentation.

