AREAS OF EXPERTISE Market Research Analysis Search Engine Optimization Strong Familiarity with FAR/UCC Financial Oversight Superior Customer Service Proven Contract Administrator Sourcing Specialist Inventory Control Relationship Builder Large Dollar Purchasing Expertise Professional Attitude Vendor Review / Certification Previous Federal Contracting Officer Fraud prevention oversight in AP/AR PROFESSIONAL PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING OFFICER Results-oriented, highly productive procurement management professional with a demonstrated ability to significantly reduce acquisition costs by thorough Market Research, using standardized processes, negotiating favorable terms and streaming supplier channels. With sustained Contract Administration and vigilant closeout reviews further savings are obtained. Sourcing skills obtain significant cost savings. Technical Skills include MS Word, Excel, ORPIN, eCMS, ERP and SAP experience. Posses exemplary relationship building and problem solving skills fostering internal and external partnership dependability. PROCUREMENT EXPERIENCE: Dec 2016 - Current 2017, Procurement & Contract Specialist, Oregon DAS, Procurement Services. 503.378 - 4543, 1225 Ferry St SE, Salem, OR 97301-4278 Responsible for negotiating agreements and contracts with vendors and purchasing materials, equipment, supplies and services for the Agency. Used RFQ's, RFP's and ITB's for proposals over 150K and issued amendments, modifications and revisions to existing contracts through ORPIN. Negotiated with vendors for goods and services, securing the best possible price, quality and service guarantees. Negotiate and administer contracts and agreements of varying complexity with vendors ' including those supporting large capital projects. Coordinate with vendors on inbound materials logistics, consignment arrangements, and insurance requirements. Interface and work effectively with Accounting, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Safety and employees at all levels. Organize updates and retain records, price lists and various supporting documents. Generate and manage reports using Excel spreadsheets, spend reports graphs and other functions. Attend meetings, trade shows, conferences, conventions and seminars to encourage more vendor input. Feb 2016 - Sep 30, 2016 Purchasing Department Manager, Sacramento Job Corps Center, 3100 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832 Office: 916-429-4912 * Supervise 2 direct reports, purchasing clerk and work based student in the solicitation and acquisition of supplies and services. Provided research for Sole Source acquisitions and market research for high dollar contract awards. Ensured Vendors were provided walk through inspections prior to bidding on jobs to validate full awareness of the Scope of Work. Provided vendor lists, track all bids, quotes and conduct debriefings for interested parties after award of major contracts. Through Market Research investigation often saved over 25% on commodity buys with higher savings on service contracts. Maintained open order files, ran reports for late receipts and resolved invoice/PO mismatched with receiving. Provided reconciliation and on-line processing for credit card buys to Corporate Office. Reviewed SOP and made suggestions for improvements. Worked with Corporate on annual and quarterly audits. Assisted Accounts payable daily and with professionalism. Award contracts for buys on a daily basis with a high monthly volume. Applied Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), DOL Regs. and Job Corp SOP.


Job Skills
