PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: * 8+ years of experience in IT sector in designing and developing high-end enterprise level Web, Windows and Mobile Applications including 5 years of expertise in mobile application development. * Development (iPhone/ iPad) using objective-C, Xcode (4.X, 5.X, 6.X, 7.3), iOS (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0,8.0,9.0) and Cocoa Touch. * Good working experience on both Objective-C and Swift 2.0. * Expert in making efficient use of Interface Builder, storyboard and navigation controller in building the Applications. * Complete understanding of iPhone/iPad/iPod architecture and various versions of iPhone * Software Development Kit (SDK) that includes Xcode, UIKit, MapKit, WebKit, Instruments, iPhone simulator and Third Party frameworks. * Design and build advanced applications for the Android platform. * Proficient in Core Frameworks: Core Data, Core Graphics, Core Location, Quartz Core, Address Book, Event Kit, etc. * Integrated libraries written in objective-C to Swift code base. * Extensively worked on Closures in Swift. * Thorough understanding of COCOA design patterns, MVC architecture and other concepts like Delegation and Protocols. * Expertise in creating and Customizing Views, Table Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars which are some basic functionality in a MultiView Application. * Experienced in working with various data parsing forms to dynamically display data on iPhone/iPad such as XML and JSON. * Proficiency with memory management - Manual Retain Release (MRR) and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). * Rich awareness of Agile Development Methodologies (SCRUM), Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD), Design Patterns and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). * Complete comprehension in adding Animation for smooth transitioning between UIViews and better user experience. * Experience working with tools JIRA project and issue tracking software by Atlassian. * Experience in creating and extracting data from database and displaying on iPhone using SQLite3 and Core Data. * Track record of designing and implementing flexible solutions which support frequent UI and functionality changes. * Strived for elegance and simplicity in code while focusing on scalability, readability, and standards complicity. * Trained in Development, Testing, Troubleshooting and Debugging of the application. * Clear knowledge in Testing and Distribution of the App in the AppStore. * Established and maintained working relationship with management, clients and Team members. * Strong Analytical and Problem solving skills excellent communication and presentation skills efficient decision making skills and excellent team player. * Experience working with in-app purchase application for the iPhone/iPad along with distinct marketing based applications enhancing sharing through social networks and email. * Worked on Web Development Technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, XML and XSL/XSLT. * Good Knowledge in PL/SQL & Relational Database (RDBMS) Concepts, creation of Database Triggers, Views, Packages, Stored Procedures and Functions. * Extensively worked with various Cocoa design patterns and Java design patterns across various projects. * Experience with Google mobile service provider API and MapKit framework. * Strong commitment to organizational work ethics, value based decision-making and managerial skills.

