SUMMARY Hard working, high energy, results-oriented professional able to create actionable vision for an organization with a commitment to implementing strategy and developing excellence in organizations. Fast learner in dynamic environments building on extensive experiences. Demonstrated ability to implement multiple large scale projects simultaneously within an organization. Passion to drive organizational cultures toward continuous improvement leveraged by employee buy-in and commitment. Experienced in new plant and new product start ups. Professional Skill Set ACCOMPLISHMENTS PROJECT MANAGEMENT * Performed capacity analysis, wrote Capital Project to purchase two new CNC lathes * Developed annual maintenance budgets to upgrade old equipment along with launching various new products at Stahl Specialty Company. * Rearranged entire plant layout at Emerson Electric to improve product flow * Started production for air damper product in Lenexa, KS. Brought machines in, set up purchasing contracts, trained operators, ramped up production using zero defect launch methods. * Coordinated efforts to certify engineering lab to UL standards and ISO 17025 * Transitioned ERP system, set up all products, lead times, safety stock, BOM's for all sub assemblies and final products. * Vertical integration of product. Analyzed high dollar purchased components, wrote capital spending request to purchase equipment to make parts in house, and implemented machines into new metal spinning department (taking welders and making spinners out of them). ROI for $250,000 was 1.5 years. Included redesign of product to facilitate assembly, removed complex labor from product. * Implemented Saturn Aura onto main assembly line, Effected material presentation to operators, trained new operators for start up. Owner of the zero defect launch of the program. * Implemented the building and sequencing of radiators from Delphi plant. Involved a facility upgrade project to ready the floor space needed for the radiator cells. Managed $300,000 of company funds for building upgrade. Delivered project on time and on budget * Set up international plants with the equipment to process wire harnesses. Involved taking prints of the wire harnesses along with the volume to determine type and number of equipment needed. Would work with overall equipment budget for project to purchase, ship, install, train and support plant. LEAN MANUFACTURING * Implemented Kanban material replenishment and PFEP at Brunson Instrument Company to better schedule production of parts and reduce inventory. * Reduced scrap at Stahl Specialty through Six Sigma techniques to identify and eliminate causes, most significant was a product design to a mold that eliminate porosity that reduced scrap by 5%. * Increased productivity of lead product line at Maxi-Seal by going to single piece flow and reducing defects through optimizing injection mold process through DOE, Six Sigma techniques * Created value stream map of fan production for bottlenecks. Noticed major bottlenecks were waiting on material and unbalanced production cells. Used A, B, C analysis to determine which products need to be stored line side. Also decoupled bottleneck work from main cell. Reduced order cycle time to 3 days. * Trained engineering staff to LEAN principles, which in turn reduced labor by 18% (14 operators eliminated) and aided in increasing line operating efficiency. Focused on eliminating waste, aiding operators with reducing hard work which decreased downtime, increased productivity. Annualized budget savings of $560,000 of direct labor costs. * Trained to Toyota Production System techniques, used training to rebalance 2 assembly lines in Lansing, MI in a one year process by eliminating waste. Efforts resulted in reduction of 13 stations from two lines. Realized annualized savings of $1,000,000 to operations budget.

