COVER LETTER: To Whom It May Concern: I am currently in a position to either consider full time or part-time employment. My engineering background makes me a diverse candidate for many different profession paths. These could range from teaching to product design. The attached copy of my resume outlines some of my accomplishments within the field of engineering and product design. Although a large quantity of my experience has been with product design and R&D, I feel that this expertise has also given me experience on other fields of engineering, whether in product design or manufacturing. I feel that you will find my many years of exposure to many different aspects of the industry will make me a very diverse background candidate. The "cradle to grave" is a good description of the length of variety that I have in product conception and follow through. I believe that at a personal meeting, you will be able to secure a good evaluation of my potential as a very accomplished engineering executive and a superior candidate. Attention: I am a senior person both in age and qualifications. I do not want to waste your time or mine by not disclosing this up front. There is no age discrimination, supposedly .but we all know better. Thank you for this consideration. Sincerely yours StevenPBoling OBJECTIVE: Mechanical Engineer [Manufacturing or Product Design] ATTRIBUTES AND STRENGTHS -Product Development -Molded Products -Plastics -Die-Casting -Design of Tools & Parts -Microsoft Office -Vendor Selection & Quality Evaluation -Project Management -UL/CSA/Mil/OSHA Spec Approval -AutoDesk AutoCad -Quality Assurance -Sheet Metal Fab. & -Automotive Industry Association Tooling -Facility& Structural Engineering -Cost Reduction

