SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Accomplished public affairs and communication professional with experience as the national account executive for a business development company as well as deputy officer in charge for I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) Public Affairs Plans and Operations section, executing guidance in support of joint exercises, to include crisis response planning, creating press releases, response to queries, coverage plans to best communicate with a target audience in social media campaigns and Marine Corps brand development, evaluation of the successes of media campaigns comparing analytics, creating media roll-ups, interviews and public affairs evaluation and integration with other staff sections. I have also been the lead planner for large training events, resulting in a certificate of commendation and have conducted on-camera interviews with external media as a Marine Corps spokesperson. Recently began application process for PR certification and possess a clearance. ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Deputy supervisor for I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) Public Affairs Plans and Operations.* * In accordance with commander's priorities, executed public affairs support plan for a joint operations large-scale exercise, to include escorting mock media teams, creating press releases and media roll-ups, responses to queries, mock media interviews, public affairs evaluation and integration with other staff sections, which greatly enhanced international awareness of Marine Corps objectives and understanding of the Marine Corps' enduring relationship with Canada. * Lead public affairs officer that developed and evaluated the effectiveness of the Fleet Week San Diego 2016 public affairs guidance and coverage plan, resulting in national media placement, which highlighted Marine Corps capabilities to the American public. * Public affairs effort of 2016 Miramar Air Show by facilitating subject matter expert interviews, escorting more than 70 news media personnel and freelance reporters and conducting interviews as a Marine Corps spokesperson, which enhanced knowledge and key public understanding of military readiness and capabilities in support of the communication and public affairs office mission, resulting in a letter of appreciation from MCAS Miramar Commanding Officer.* * Speech writer for the I MEF Commanding General to speak at the I Marine Logistics Group Officer's Ball and for the 72nd anniversary dinner for the Battle of Iwo Jima.* * Awarded a USMC Certificate of Commendation for serving as the lead planner for I MEF Public Affairs' second annual Marine Corps Communication Summit West 2017, a training conference for over 80 Navy, Marine Corps and civilian PA professionals across the West Coast.* * Lead public affairs effort that included creating and implementing a coverage plan for prototype demonstration, "Ship-to-Shore Maneuver Exploration and Experimentation, " that featured prototype experimentation to more rapidly deploy combat capabilities from the sea, I facilitated congressional interviews and provided media and congressional escorts throughout the demonstration, resulting in national media placement which highlighted the Marine Corps' efforts in innovation and readiness with a reach of over 10 million nationally. * Served as Defense Travel System Defense Travel Administrator for I MEF Public Affairs to ensure Marines were prepared to support operations and exercises as needed.* * Served as a funds manager to an $85K budget account for I MEF Public Affairs.

