PROFILE HANDS ON PROFESSIONAL with ten years' experience in the areas of occupational safety & health and environmental management, general industry OSHA standards, emergency response, safety and environmental prevention programs, hazardous and nonhazardous waste management, injury/ incident management and risk management. I was responsible for several different job duties mainly safety and environmental compliance. Other duties consisted of administrative tasks office management facility maintenance security protocols employee assistance and timeclock reconciliation financial duties including A/P purchase orders goods receiving inventory management and travel arrangements contractor and project management and internal auditing of sister plants. Project management which included collecting bids from several contractors design purchasing of material used and coordination of time and space between several departments across a 7-building campus pedestrian / forklift walk-ways machine guarding security system installation and upgrade ergonomic upgrades ammonia chiller and boiler installations. Implemented and maintained ISO 14001 Environmental and OHSAS 18001 Safety and Health management system credited by third party auditors from Bureau Veritas and Intertek. Certified internal Assisted for sister plants across the country. Trained management and hourly employees on roles and responsibilities. EHS manager with daily activities and established document control and retention procedures. Organized safety and environmental programs and updated required documents to be presented to regulatory agencies. Conducted daily visual inspections documented findings and suggested corrective actions to

