EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Project / Construction Manager with strong leadership skills and problem solving skills. Over Twenty years' nationwide project management experience in construction, site environmental remediation, landfill construction and closure, hazardous materials, and demolition industries. Establish project deliverables, develop project plan, forecasting, scheduling and recording detailed project requirements, constraints and assumptions with stakeholders. Effectively managed interface with federal, military, state and local regulators, logistics, and scheduling with multiple subcontractors including difficult labor union and litigation situations. Significant experience in managing complex long term projects involving construction, hazardous materials sampling and handling, methane control structures, leachate control devices, surface water pumping systems, marine demolition and multiple structure implosions. Regulatory managed the quality control and site safety audit functions on multiple complex and long term environmental remediation construction contracts. REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Member of the National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) 2014 Member Project Management Institute (PMI) 2016 Project Operation and maintenance of two landfills, monthly monitoring of methane collection systems, operation and maintenance of ozone injection system, Monthly groundwater sampling events. American Creosote Superfund Site FL- Project manager $800,000 Operations and maintenance of the site, Creosote groundwater treatment system operations, and multiple soil remediation projects. Escambia Wood Treating Superfund Site FL- Project manager $350,000 Operation and maintenance of the site multiple erosion control projects, Operation and maintenance of ground water treatment system, monthly water sampling. manager $735,000 Asbestos abatement lead abatement building demolition Excavation of subservice material contaminated with Jet B fuel transportation and disposal along with environmental sampling. Project manager $675,000 Sampling characterization loading and transporting of investigative waste for disposal. U.S Army corps drilling activities producing drilling mud from exploratory well setting for the investigation for a Jet B fuel spill. Site two square miles. Project $750,000-Full building demolition with asbestos in-place located in downtown Auburn, structural stabilization of surrounding buildings, Transportation and disposal, and environmental sampling. $3.5 million-Full demolition of partial collapsed building due to major fire. Asbestos and haz and non-haz materials in-place. Site covered two city blocks structural stabilization of surrounding buildings and segregation of materials processing of concrete and brick products for reuse in subgrade. Transportation and disposal along with environmental sampling. Buffalo Materials Research Center- University at Buffalo-$500,000. Superintendent Dismantlement of the reactor building ES&H and Superintendent for the handling removal packaging and loading of all items above 5,000 lbs. multiple cranes and critical lifts performed with the radiological hazards. Savannah River Site (SRS) - DOE-Aiken SC-$5 Million dollar project Environmental, and hazardous dismantlement and remediation of former ammunition manufacturing facility. Multiple hazardous waste and hazardous environmental activities performed to remove TNT and DNT product from structures. Multiple agencies involved in sample testing to complete demolition activities on army structure, open burn of product predisposal or recycling of steel products. and hazardous waste dismantlement of in-plant structures. Multiple haz mat confined space entries. Sampling testing handling and removing of hazardous waste products. Dismantlement actives of large-scale equipment and structure removal over operating plant. Developed and implemented system of removing hundreds of tons of fly ash loaded with hypodermic needles loaded out material into trucks and transported to a certified landfill. Numerous hazardous operations encountered haz-mat operations areas constructed dredge operations on creek along jobsite. - Closure of landfill. Installation of liner system leachate piping system methane gas venting system associated pump stations and manholes. Overseeing the installation of 4,000 feet of Bentonite slurring wall construction. - Environmental cleanup of scrap yard and multiple private properties in the vicinity of the scrap yard. Multiple hazardous waste sampling testing handling and transporting solid waste - place onsite under Geo-synthetic clay liner system. Barrier Protection layers and positive drainage construction and properties rehabilitated. Quality Control Manager * Ontario Specialty Contracting Inc. * Buffalo New York Demolition of grain elevator. Responsibilities included Superintendent and QA/QC for multiple implosions performed on the site. Directed Responsible for providing direct personnel supervision, equipment operation, quality control, and safety assurance on IWSS Projects to which he was assigned. One such project included the demolition and cleanup of a manufacturing plant contaminated with acid and asbestos during a fire and explosion. This emergency cleanup and demolition project was performed in the FMC Corporation Sawyer Avenue Plant in Tonawanda, New York. the hazardous waste dismantlement of a smelter at the Kennecott Copper Mine. Many critical picks made with 200 ton cranes. Hazardous Waste sampling and removal operations over fifty feet above the ground and over operating roads and streams. Sulfuric Acids high rigging high burning critic lifting implosions and heavy equipment demolition were all safety concerns on this large scale environmental cleanup. Directed in multiple asbestos abatement, demolition, PCB cleanup, site work and emergency response projects. Duties included direct supervision of project personnel, equipment operation, providing onsite quality control, collecting environmental samples and interpreting corresponding analytical results, safety assurance, and hazardous material handling. the removal of eight former naval piers for the Port Arthur District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Orange Texas. Served as Quality Control Manager and Safety Manager for the Marine demolition asbestos abatement and lead paint removal. In support of the Cosden Chemical Plant Decontamination Project conducted for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers site in Beverly New Jersey participated in the demolition and cleanup of a PCB-contaminated manufacturing plant. Directed the removal and reinstallation of a sewer line for the City of Houston Texas. Numerous hazardous conditions were associated with this project including multiple confined space entries. All work associated with the sewer line removal project was successfully completed without incident to the complete satisfaction of the Project Engineer. Held a series of increasingly responsible positions on projects involving asbestos abatement and demolition. Duties included performance and supervision of asbestos abatement and operation of heavy demolition equipment. Also directed the asbestos abatement and demolition of several structures at Bethlehem Steel.

