caster, primary teacher and head administrator * Training of all departmental directors * Overseer, organizer and main promoter of all events * Planner and coordinator of church calendars * Provide pastoral counseling for couples and struggling individuals * Designer of all promotional materials and social media presence * Planned and implemented all outreaches to the community * Oversaw building renovations and programming of the church Youth Outreach Center Executive/Church Planting Pastor, Seaport Community Church, Groton, CT 2008 - 2010 * Oversaw all operations of the church under the Sr. Pastor's direction * Managed all departmental directors * Developed and oversaw the church's hospitality ministry * Created, developed and maintained a successful home visitation program * Provided training for personal and church wide outreach * Lead the worship services in the Sr. Pastor's absence * Filled the pulpit and taught periodically * Recruited and trained a team to start Ocean Community Christian Church Senior Pastor, Marshfield Assembly of God, Marshfield, MO - (2000 - 2007) * Partnered with God to see the church more than double in attendance (from 110 to 260) * Taught verse by verse exposition of books in the Bible * Developed a strong and healthy leadership team * Lead our team to create a clear mission and vision statement which included sound evaluation to guide us towards their accomplishment * Oversaw a staff of four pastors and the church secretary * Lead intentional strategies for personal and corporate outreach and discipleship * Created a small home group ministry that grew from three groups to ten in three years * Served as Coordinator for the County Convoy of Hope Outreach, overseeing 450 volun - teers as we served 1700 guests * Mentored younger ministers and developed a strong preaching team * Coached a couple to plant our satellite church in Fordland, MO Assistant Pastor, Seaport Community Church, Groton, CT 1997 - 2000 * Pastor over adult ministries * Responsible for home groups, adult fellowship, and evangelism o Certified trainer in Evangelism Explosion o Developed weekly teams with intentional strategies to reach out o Helped the church grow by 30% over a three year period * Provided various types of pastoral counseling o Certified Prepare/Enrich Counselor * Filled in pulpit ministry and oversaw services frequently Family * Wife: Theresa is from Omaha, NE, is a graduate of the Rutger's University School of Pharmacy in NJ and is a licensed Pharmacist * Children: Seth, Caleb, and Ezra