COVER LETTER: Sincerely, John Caletti Chairman =, \ J, "` 1 _ illfl ='.~ ll <, » fr 'l', 'l»: July 18, 2013 To Whom It l\/lay Concern: lam glad to offer a letter of recommendation for William Wells. Bill worked for Caletti Jungsten Construction since l\/larch 15, 2011 in the capacity of Director of Finance and Project Management. Bill is hard working and diligent. He was one of the most consistent people we have worked with as he is always on time and accountable. Bill possesses sound business judgment and was instrumental in procuring competitive insurance rates for the company along with working with our banking, and legal issues. He was instrumental in several key progressive changes in our firm and was steadfast in his approach toward an efficient system in our office. He was also instrumental in producing our Operations Manual. He worked with key subcontractor groups and with our team to streamline operations and provided a consistent focus on fiscal responsibility. He has been a valued and respected employee and I am happy to discuss his talents and abilities with you during regular business hours at (415) 381-3162. Sincerely, Jeffjungsten