Key Qualifications_________________________________________ * Critical thinker - able to prioritize activities * Reflective and collaborative - able to work effectively with a team as a leader or manager both collaboratively and independently. Enjoys excellent interpersonal skills with colleagues, and representatives of both the host government and international organizations * Organized, efficient, and able to adhere to deadlines * Fluent in Arabic, French and English - able to work directly with national counterparts, associations, cooperatives, municipalities and community groups * Knowledgeable - expertise and academic credentials to apply theory to practical programming in livelihoods with experience in child labor, education and household improvement * Demonstrated capacity to provide leadership, guidance and advice to improve local livelihoods * Able to provide oversight and strategic direction to personnel and programs and Worked on USAID funded Yemen Agriculture Support Project implemented by ARD, Inc. Duties and responsibilities included working closely with farmers and Ministry of Agriculture regional farming agents to implement strategies for increasing household income by addressing irrigation techniques to reduce water loss and increase production, designed and implemented program to propagate high yielding date palm varieties as an alternative to qat horticulture, developed and presented workshops to farmers on production and post harvesting operations, assisted in the creation of the Yemen Coffee Association, helped the Ministry of Agriculture to revitalize and consolidate its olive industry including the purchase and planting of 250,000 olive seedlings, and wrote detailed reports and produced 'how to' booklets and manuals in both English and Arabic. Supported project grants to small businesses and trained youth to start-up economic ventures by working with local banks to provide grants and credit to create jobs and reduce unemployment. helped import and propagate new varieties from Spain. Acted as middleman for local processing of olives and olive oil. Developed and supervised olive processing plant and improved the marketing value chain for processed olives and olive oil. Worked with French and Italian traders on improving quality standards to process olive oil and reduce acidity. Played a major role in the design and production of packaging methods and preservation of capers tomatoes and peppers. Participated in food processing improvement initiative sponsored by the private sector and supported by NGOs and local authorities and geared to increase export toward European Community Market.

