*Summary: Progressively responsible experience in structural, thermal and stress analysis of successful products for airborne aviation radar and radio systems. Bombardier CL-415 Amphibious SAR Aircraft Search and Weather Radar protective radome NOAA Gulfstream IV-SP "Gonzo" Hurricane Hunter imaging radar system protective radome Airborne Microwave Radomes for Panasonic, LiveTV and Honeywell satellite entertainment systems (737,747,757,777, a321, a330, a340, a350, a380 Delta Airlines, Southwest Airline, JetBlue Airline) *Eleven years progressively responsible experience in thermal analysis and control of successful products for terrestrial simulation and on-orbit space sensor systems. Microwave, infrared and optical sensor systems * Minuteman/Peacekeeper Guidance System Hubble Space Telescope Secondary Mirror Athermalization Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Thermal Control Solar Dynamic Power System Heat Exchange System Shuttle Infrared Telescope Cryogeni9c Image Plane Thermal Control International Space Station Photovoltaic Thermal Control Space Shuttle Microgravity Combustion Experiment *Five years team leader and manager of engineering design groups *16 years microwave sensor design, verification and analysis Independent completion on time and within cost and requirement budgets Comprehensive validation and regulatory reports to FAR25, DO-160, MIL_STD-810, DO-213

