COVER LETTER: Dear Friend, As a non-profit major gifts officer who has continually brought in sources of funding and has a proven record for developing sales programs, I am writing to express interest in your need for a gifts officer. With solid business management acumen and leadership, I have raised more than $5,000,000 in total funding revenue through successful negotiations and sales strategies in the last five years. Additionally, I have helped organizations acquire funding through initiations and development of low cost and effective new programs to increase conversations between financial advisers and client donors, donor systems, writing campaigns, and personal visits to increase outreach and awareness. One in particular is bringing to Wycliffe a partnership with a major denominational Bible/book/music publisher that could have a lifetime income of $250,000 or more. I have traveled extensively and have worked with a diverse donor base from corporations and small businesses to denomination world headquarters, congregations, foundations and with individual donor units (married or single donors) Also, I have led a number of vision trips taking donors and would be donors to missions sites to help them see projects for funding consideration. I have brought several key donors to the home office to meet with key administration including the President. Beyond that, my knack for building profitable relationships, and keen eye for scouting opportunities put me at an advantage to help your organization succeed. I have been blessed with the ability to network and discover new donor prospects and ways for them to give, both cash and non-cash gifts. The enclosed resume discusses my experiences and accomplishments in further detail. With my extensive background, I feel confident to be a value to your team. Please feel free to contact me at 540-273-1813, and if your schedule allows, may we meet to discuss your organization's needs* Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Pete Hutton Warren R. (Pete) Hutton, Jr. P.S. Though my address is now in Virginia, our home is listed and we are moving to Florida. P.P.S. I have some 10 years of experience working with Raiser's Edge and Wealth Engine