ACCOMPLISHMENTS Network Systems Administration: Joined CDNow, a start-up internet retail company on the verge of major growth. The existing network could not process more than 100 orders/day despite a robust web store front. Staff was expanding rapidly without the technology infrastructure to build support systems. Developed an IT infrastructure strategy that was scalable standardized the operating platform implemented rapid deployment procedures and built a network operations center and a secondary data center. CDNOW became third largest internet retailer and the network was able to efficiently process one million orders/day. Healthcare IT: At the Washington Home (TWHCH), a 192 bed home also serving over 200 patient/days in the community, there were few IT related policies and the organization was in substantial risk under various healthcare and patient privacy regulations. Also, system connectivity with the Managed Service Provider (MSP) was constantly being disrupted and there was excessive system down time. Gathered data, conducted a gap analysis and developed an action plan and schedule for operational and technical projects. Developed a program for compliance auditing. Clinical audit citations were reduced by 50%, staff workload was reduced and strengthened TWHCH's position in legal actions. Systems Integration and Modernization: At Radian was tasked with integrating the infrastructure technology with two recent acquisitions. Established actions teams for each of each technical area. There were four priority areas, with building a new email infrastructure being the most urgent. This was accomplished within 30 days. In addition there was no network level connectivity between the three offices and the data centers. Established private network lines with a matrix of connections across various telecom vendors to ensure against disruption. Created full remote access across locations and created a web-based solution for the field staff. Data Center Management/Business Continuity: Radian is an international mortgage and reinsurance firm requiring global 24/7/365 access to data for staff and clients. Established and implemented a resiliency strategy for the IT infrastructure as well as an overall business continuity plan. Worked with key stakeholders to identify key functions and ranked priority for recovery for each. Identified the small number of core financial and customer facing applications that required 99.99% uptime. Created and developed programs to ensure seamless fallover of customer facing systems from site to site and implemented a quarterly testing schedule. This was successful. Financial Management: TWHCH continues to face a significant operating financial situation. Within IT vendors were overcharging, and there were services funded that were not used. Instituted a review of all vendor activity and required justifications for all charges. This alone reduced costs from the three largest vendors by 25%. Eliminated services not used and took advantage of Microsoft's Non-Profit Pricing Program to further reduce costs. Currently the run rate for IT operations is 40% less than it was in 2014. Team Building/Mentoring: At Radian there were three separate IT departments, all in different cities due because of acquisitions. All were on different systems as well. In order to create a cohesive team, conducted on-site visits to mentor the teams combined with off-site meetings to build common plans, goals and comradery. Instituted a program where team members would, twice a year, perform their same function but in another location for a week. Eliminated silo mentalities and improved productivity and sped up integrating the IT systems. EXECUTIVE HISTORY Washington Home & Community Hospice Director of Information Technology 2014 - Present Washington, DC A 192 bed nursing home and hospice serving 200 clients/day, primarily located in the community.

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