Accomplishments: * Promoted to a Senior Public Involvement Officer within 1 year of employment in this Section NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MAR 2006 - JUL 2007 RIGHT OF WAY BRANCH (RIGHT OF WAY AGENT (TRAINEE) Duties: * Performed field reviews and contract preparations for the Right of Way branch. * Participated in meetings of behalf of the branch to for approval/disposal of surplus and residue properties, and breaks in control of access. * Collaborated with other DOT units on highway plan revisions and distribution including: recordation of highway project plans with 100-county Register of Deeds, generated cost estimates, developed agenda items for branch for monthly BOT, researched project history and limitations on properties, and maintained an open and effective line of communication with DOT personnel, surveyors, consultants and the general public. Accomplishments: * Acting Right of Way Property Manager for vacancy in Right-of-Way Branch NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - GEOTECHNICAL UNIT APR 1998 - AUG 2001 (GEOENVIRONMENTAL SECTION), RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST II Duties: * Prepared "Request for Letters of Interest" for the year 2000-2002 GeoEnvironmental contracts for NCDOT Purchase Order Directory bids on NCDOT work. * Processed bid requests for the removal/ disposal and/or remediation of hazardous waste materials and petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and/or groundwater. * Assisted engineering geologists with field reviews, report reviews, and coordinating with engineering consultant firms and other agencies. * Oversaw the right of way in seven (7) NCDOT divisions, both in the field and in the office, for potential environmental problems. * Provided technical assistance to other DOT units, state, municipal, and federal agencies, the general public, private consulting firms, and roadway construction contractors. * Coordinated hazardous materials assessments and underground storage tank removals with contracted environmental consultant firms. * Arranged for the proper disposal of contaminated soil and groundwater overseen by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.


Job Skills
