Qualifications Profile system, verified orders before processing, researched product options, generated client Honesty PowerPoint presentations, organized Excel spreadsheets and updated online company stores Integrity * Review and revise Independent Contractor Agreement* Teamwork Volunteer Experience Strong Work Ethic * Volunteer outreach through Service for Site through the Delta Gamma Fraternity Motivated * Volunteer cheer coach for John F. Kennedy High School in Fremont, CA * Northern Guilford Youth Football, Cheerleading Coach Flexible * Volunteer outreach through Urban Ministries, Greensboro, NC * Volunteer outreach through Elks Lodge, Ashland, KY Energetic * Volunteer Northern Guilford High School Athletic Boosters, Football, Basketball and Baseball Analytical Concessions* Clubs, Activities & Interests * San Jose State University Ethics Debate Team * Political Science Honor Society * San Jose State Pre-Law Society, Secretary & Fundraising Chair * Delta Gamma Sorority - San Jose State University * Secretary, Greek Orthodox Youth of America, Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church * Member, Greek Dance Troupe, Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church

