Summary of Experience * Project Manager for replacement of Safety related components, including development of Technical Specs, tendering, bid evaluation, contract management, QA surveillance, installation and commissioning assistance. * Developed a Business case and managed the Project for design, planning and installation of Digital Trip Meter for Pickering B that met various safety system process requirements with the software complying with Category 1QA and the methodology was accepted by Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) * Developed and managed several Joint Projects concurrently including Reverse Engineering, Replacement of Barringer D2O leak detection in most CANDU plants, GFP System Upgrade etc. * Team Leader for CANDU Stations' Obsolescence assessments and data collection at Plants in Canada, Argentina and Romania. Managed emergency Spare Parts Program for COG members. * Created rules for Configuration Management (CM) and provided guidance to Bruce, Darlington and Pickering Stations for Configuration Management of design basis of these plants. Created a million page design manual documents for Pickering B, which is accessible on-line. * A member of Safety System Functional Inspection (SSFI) team for Bruce B Station. These assessments led to identification of safety and functional gaps of Bruce B Service Water system, which was expected to support Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) under emergency situation.. * Participated in EPRI Subcommittees for CGD process development, Critical spare identification and represented COG in EPRI JUTG (Joint Utility Task Group) meetings. * Established COG Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG) and managed the group for several years. * Founding Member of Nuclear Utility Working Group (NUOG) on behalf of COG.

