SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Specializing on Graphics Design (Print Collateral), Branding & Corporate Identity, Still Photography (Product & Special Assignment), Website Design as well as today's Social Media Marketing (Landing Pages Creation & Email Blast Campaign) and Videography & Post Production (both for Web & DVD Production). Also, extensive knowledge on Printing Production (Pre-Press on Lithography, Flexography, Screen Printing and Wide Format Printing). Familiarity on most graphics software for Macintosh and PC computers. Duties includes Production Planning, Budgeting, Advertising & Marketing Strategies, Quality Control and Vendor & Client Relations. Familiarity with pre-press software such as Onyx, ESKO, Pit Stop, Color Burst, and much more. Experienced working on Heidelberge Offset Printers, Didde Web Press, Epson Wide Format Inkjet Printers, Xerox iGen4 and HP Indigo Digital Printers. WIDE-FORMAT PRINTING PRODUCTION: Extensive knowledge on wide-format printing application such as banners (single & double-sided), billboards, floor graphics, window graphics, stair graphics as well as vehicle wrap application. Familiarity on the usage of variety of media such as vinyl, cloth, canvas, static cling, styrene, Acrylic Plastics, Sintra, PVC sheets, wood, magnets, flexi glass, backlit materials and much more. Worked on VUTEK ULTRAVU 5330, VUTEK FABRIVU, VUTEK GS 3200, MIMAKI FX, HP 5500, Epson Stylus Pro 7880 and Roland Wide-Format Printers. STILL PHOTOGRAPHY: Extensive knowledge on product photography, model, corporate & private events, location photo shoot and special assignments. Familiarity and on-hands experienced using Canon 5D, Canon 7D Mark II and Canon 6D Digital SLR Cameras and usage of variety of lenses and indoor and studio lighting applications. VIDEOGRAPHY & POST PRODUCTION: Extensive knowledge on video production from capturing, to editing, authoring and encoding, for both online video streaming for web and DVD production with the use of software such as Apple Final Cut Pro, DVD Pro, Adobe After Effects and Premiere. Familiarity and on-hands experienced using Panasonic AG-DVX200 4K, Panasonic AG-AC160 AVCCAM, Canon XF105 HD, Canon XF300, Canon VIXIA HR72 Camcorder, Panasonic Lumix G7, as well as videography using Canon 5D and Canon 6D and Canon 7D Mark II (DSLR professional cameras).

