PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY My over a decade of work experience has been in social service roles that include Youth Counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Clinician, Program Coordinator of Co-occurring Disorders (MISAC) - State of Hawaii, Adult Mental Health Division and Program Manager for a Community Health Outreach Work (C.H.O.W.) Project to Prevent HIV or AIDS. Adding to that, I have spent almost the last 2 years providing psychotherapy services to Hawaii's indigenous and homeless populations. Engaging in forensic and addiction case management services while collaborating with Probation and Parole Officers as well as Child Welfare Care Coordinators comes easily. Educating Behavioral Health Staff, Case Managers, or Para-Professionals on the basics of Mental Health concerns including Co-occurring Disorders, Mental Illness, Substance Use, Stages of Change, Motivational Interviewing, and Harm Reduction vs. the Disease Model does not overwhelm me. I can integrate Harm Reduction into a Disease Model approach when providing services however, the foundation of Harm Reduction is my preferred method of approach. Just as important, I'd like to note that I also rely on Cognitive Behavioral Interventions when working with substance misuse. I want to note that I have over 5 years of experience providing mental illness and substance abuse assessments using the DSM-V as well as other screening instruments to include the PCL-5 (Trauma), PHQ-9 (Depression), GAD-7 (Anxiety), ADHD Assessments (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), or MDQ (Mood Disorder Questionnaire) Optimum and needed services include: * Using a Treatment Team and collaboration approach to provide stability and care for consumers. * Using Motivational Enhancement skills and tools to move consumers and families through the "Stages of Change" to assist them in reaching their goals. * Using a consumer centered approach when providing services to move consumers or families forward OR backwards to ensure continuity of care ultimately supporting them to reach their goals. * Implementation of Harm Reduction Strategies integrating consumer centered care while keeping within the framework of program standards, psychodynamic philosophies, as well as policies and procedures that drive the mission of the agency, Stakeholders or Funder's guidelines. * Ability to be comfortable with public speaking and professional presentations. * Providers should keep current on literature and evidence based best practices within their field of interest or expertise in order to provide updated and sound clinical services. ("UpToDate") is an excellent medical, psychological, and medication resource repository. - Pacific Islands Health Care System 40 Hours Weekly Spark M. Matsunaga Medical Center 1522

