SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS 15+ years of achieving mission critical results in a fast paced environment through synergy and innovation. In depth experience with Project Management, Experimentation, Test/Evaluation, Security and Business Development with government and private sector initiatives. As a part of the Experimentation and T&E communities, consistently provided innovative solutions and initiatives to and through the US Army, USMC, and Special Operations. Effective and efficient in the project management and analysis processes leading to providing courses of action and plans in detail. SECRET Native Speaker: English, Tagalog Functional Spanish Current Passport Career Highlights and Accomplishments: Project Management Twelve years of project management experience encompassing the Joint and Army Experimentation Division-ARCIC (JAED), Joint Systems Integration Center -JFCOM (JSIC), Joint Readiness Training Center-Fort Polk (JRTC), and US Army-Iraq/Afghanistan. Provide oversight to experimentation campaigns with regard to multi-million dollar Simulation Experimentation campaigns as Contract Lead and provide subject matter expertise in specific areas of responsibility at JAED (Special Operations, Fires, Signal, Sustainment, & Maneuver Support) and as Contract Project Lead at JSIC in multi-million dollar and multi-national events integrating C4ISR and NATO C2 systems. Responsible for the integration of S&T into near, mid, and far term experiments and T&E events as well as cross-pollination throughout Warfighting Functions and sister services. Experimentation, Test and Evaluation Nine years of experience in Soldier equipment/equipping and technical & system requirements development in support of US Army operations and Joint/Coalition/Army C4ISR systems, including Battle Management Command, Control, & Communications integration into current and future global operations inside and outside CENTCOM AORs. Seven years of experimentation/test and evaluation experience at JAED, JSIC, and the Joint Air Ground Office-TRADOC (JAGO), including engagement in the JCIDS process, Analysis or Alternatives, and experimentation with concepts, issues, and equipment (near, mid, and far term projected) within live, virtual, and constructive venues. Direct coordination with OSD, RDECOM, STRACD, Army CoEs and Joint service acquisitions organizations. Within combined experience, development of products such as test plans to include overall learning demands, measures of effectiveness, and essential elements of analysis, MSEL injects, final reports with associated executive summaries/quick look reports, and managing logistics including time, funds, and personnel. Additionally, development and analysis of valid and reliable test criteria including BLUFOR, OPFOR capabilities, analysis of data sets and overall evaluation of force structure, design, and capabilities have proven critical to success in this environment. Innovation Six years of experience in providing solutions and processes to successfully accomplish goals throughout multiple levels of the federal government from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) to Army Centers of Excellence and beyond. These include in 2016, solicited personal input by Congressman J. Randy Forbes into the FY17 Defense Acquisition Proposal for Congress, Paper on Individual Soldier Load presented to the Dismounted Soldier Load Working Group at Ft. Belvoir by the US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), Invited to participate in the Secretary of Defense initiative "D3 Innovative Solutions Summit" and multiple technology innovations recognized by USASOC and several Technical Capabilities Managers (TCM) throughout the Army. My recommendations in technology were accepted and impacted requirements within the Army S&T community including USASOC, facilitating integration of requirements across Warfighting Functions. Included in these were novel solutions currently pending patents. A recent example of UAV/UAS innovation is a UAV based, emergency antenna mast currently generating discussion within USASOC. In addition, capitalization on Joint work by the US Navy in UAV troop transport with OSD and the potential requirement for ground based use.

