
Tara C

Public Health Gerontologist with 8 Years of Experience in healthcare and community outreach - Near 23188


Case Management Manager


Williamsburg, VA

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



Keystone Peer Review Organization (KEPRO) July 2014 - present Provider/Community Outreach Outreach Program Design Data Analysis (DE DC MD VA and WV) Develop awareness of KEPRO's role as Medicare's Beneficiary and Family Centered Care - Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC- QIO). Generate ongoing partnerships with key aging network stakeholders providers state and federal government agencies in my 4-state territory and the District of Columbia. * Key member of task force developing outreach & marketing strategy to diverse communities in each of KEPRO's three contract areas (33 states and the District of Columbia). Detailed analysis of target populations in each of KEPRO's contract Areas. * Development and implementation of outreach strategy for my territory to include collaboration with Area Agencies on Aging state Departments of Aging and CMS Region III office for provider beneficiary and caregiver outreach activities. * Development & maintenance of partnerships with key stakeholders provider groups state and federal agencies. Marketplace. * Successfully guided volunteers during community presentations on the Health Insurance Marketplace. * Ensured the information disseminated at each educational presentation was accurate and maintained a non-partisan tone. Advocacy & Outreach State Legislature Committees Marketing Event Logistics (practicum for graduate degree) Facilitated discussions with concerned seniors on responsible solutions addressing Social Security and Medicare's coming financial shortfalls production of documents detailing the Affordable Care Act attended the Governor's Commission on Medicaid Care Management. Attended state legislative briefings and discussions surrounding Medicaid Expansion and the Consumer Assistance Grant. * Successfully facilitated 'You've Earned a Say' sessions to 150 older adults throughout New Hampshire on proposed solutions addressing Social Security and Medicare shortfalls. * Crafted information pages for educational packets on the Affordable Care Act. * Managed logistical aspects for 'Make the Most of Your Meds and More' fall health fair for adults aged 65 and over including site arrangement designing the event and coordination with representatives from the NH Pharmacy Association to produce the event.





