CAREER HIGHLIGHTS AURORA HEALTH CARE: Product Marketing Advisor 2015 - 2017 Led development of marketing strategy and campaigns for cancer and women's service lines, as well as retail services like laser/cosmetics, pharmacy and bariatrics. Managed overall relationships with leadership to understand service line strategies and tactics in order to effectively drive marketing plans. * Analyzed competitive situation as the result of recent changes in the market. Identified market opportunities to enhance marketing presence to combat increased competition. * Led development of a free consultation promotion for laser/cosmetics, which resulted in almost double the anticipated interest by consumers. Developed operational process for handling consumer inquiries and trained clinic teams. * Identified opportunity to consolidate marketing collateral across the system for women's and cancer service lines and created a plan to develop updated system materials. * Coordinated efforts to rebrand sexual and domestic assault response services. * Led development of process for internal legal and compliance review of marketing materials. Career Highlights (Continued) SPECTRACOM/CIRCLE1NETWORK: Producer 2006 - 2006 Managed development of web site and devised content for Kellogg's Fuel For School program, which served as the organization's first brand-wide promotional campaign. * Spearheaded day-to-day maintenance of VIVA Towels and SCOTT Tissue Web sites and orchestrated development of newsletters. * Steered group of creative and technical staff that was assembled to produce new content for * Led client status meetings and overall client communication, which included crafting status reports used to keep client informed of project progress. TO THE POINTE 1998 - 2011 Dance Educator 1998 - 2011 Marketing Manager 2004 - 2006 Essential educator selected to train students in art of dance, while fostering relationships with parents and students. Designed and executed marketing, public relations, advertising, and promotions strategies and tactics. * Utilized advertising outlets to promote new 12-week programs. * Modernized marketing materials to enhance image, trim mailing costs by 40%, and cut design cost by 80%. * Diminished mailing costs by 40% and increased revenue through the effective reorganization of procedures for seasonal information distribution and payment. WAUKESHA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY & MUSEUM: Director of Marketing 2002 - 2004 Designated to design and incorporate public relations, advertising, and general marketing strategies and tactics. * Conceived and introduced newsletters for education professionals and Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts that resulted in a boost in education program participation of 54% and elevation in tours by 48%. * Established and sustained partnerships with area organizations to increase event attendance and museum exposure while alleviating costs. * Commenced Bear-tastic History Celebration that produced the largest single-day attendance.

