is Project: Freight Bill Entry- Productivity Role: Sr. ASP.Net Developer a freight carrying company that provides the truck load and LTL services. The FBE productivity team monitors the freight bill entries of the truck drivers and staff. The existing FBE application is an access database User Interface. My role as Sr. developer is to design develop test and QA a Single Page Application by including all the pages and functionalities present in the existing app. Responsibilities: Created UI design using HTML5 CSS3 and Angular JS. * Used bootstrap in the front end to accomplish a responsive UI Design. Participated in AGILE development practices. Used MVC 5/ .NET framework 4.5 to build the application. Used Web API framework with Angular JS * Used entity framework Database First Approach to build the repository layer. Effectively used ADO.Net Components such as DataSet DataAdapter and DataReader. Created Database objects such as Stored Procedures Tables Indexes and Triggers etc. * Used IIS 7.5 for the deployment of application. is * Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for version control of the source code along with the maintenance of the builds and the relevant documents of the same. Environment: Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET 4.5, MVC5, AngularJS, Web API, Entity Framework, IIS 7.5, SQL Server 2012, TFS. a freight carrying company that provides the truck load and LTL services. The Claims department is responsible for handling the claims filed by the customers for damaged shipments. The existing claims workflow is outdated and procedurally littered with too many moving parts and band aided issues. My role as a full-stack developer is to design develop deploy test and QA a Single Page Application which includes all the required pages and fields from the existing application. Responsibilities: * Single handedly Created UI design using HTML5 CSS3 and Angular JS. Participated in AGILE development practices. * Used bootstrap in the front end to accomplish a responsive UI Design. Used MVC 5/ .NET framework 4.5 to build the application. Used Web API framework with Angular JS. Used ADO.Net framework to build the DAL. Effectively used ADO.Net Components such as DataSet DataAdapter and DataReader. Created Database objects such as Stored Procedures Tables Indexes and Triggers etc. Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for version control of the source code along with the maintenance of the builds and the relevant documents of the same. * Used IIS 7.5 for the deployment of application.

