PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Detailed Finance Manager with background leveraging hands on experience in variance analysis, consolidated financial statements, budgeting and forecasting. Provide robust reporting to support business operations through analysis of key performance indicator and trends. Prepared Prepared monthly and quarterly financial statements for BMO Chicago Branch, New York Branch and Bay Street Holdings legal entities for senior management, Chicago Branch Steering Committee and Head Office Tax Prepared quarterly Business Matrix for BMO Chicago Branch and New York Branch offices outlining each line of business with respect to revenue and expenses Prepared balance sheet and P&L analytical review Provided support/financial information to the Chicago and New York Branch offices to respective Line of Business controllers Assisted management with annual business plans and budget Prepared compensation related entries Benefit related, MTIP and STIP Prepared Branch profit remittance and ensure amounts were remitted timely in appropriate currencies Reviewed key balance sheet account reconciliations Monitored the establishment of Bay Street and Monroe Street Holdings, which were formed as Limited Liability Corporations. The purpose of the LLC will be to hold loans that have reached foreclosed status Forecasted P&L projection of total assets, contingencies and earnings for current fiscal year for BMO Chicago Branch and New York Branch Liaise with internal and external auditors Risk metrics reporting for management on a weekly and monthly basis Monitored the compilation of deal expenses for 90 days including trading losses/gains on bond positions Created Balance Sheet and Revenue and Expense reports to support Capital Markets and Investment Banking divisions of perennial global leader in Equity and Fixed Income underwriting Responsible for DTC and Cusip eligibility and trade reconciliation on all Equity Lead deals. Reported revenues and finalized equity transactions

