To seek a positon of web developer, where I can deliver my exceptional technical skills and gain perfection. I would like to express my innovative, creative skills for the growth of company and self. CNC Lathe Operators use computer-controlled machinery to create precise shapes in metal, wood, or plasti. * Role : Team Leader. * Duration : February 2013 - April 2013. * Environment : For many years there has been considerable research from both an academic and industrial perspective into the monitoring and control of CNC machining processes, and progress has been well documented. It is widely acknowledged within the CIRP community that collection of information into the performance of material cutting processes is a worthwhile research topic, and this is mirrored in the work of the Scientific Technical Committee-Cutting (STC-C) and other Scientific Technical Committees. * Place : visakhapatnam steel plant, Andhra Pradesh, India. AREA OF INTEREST: * Web designing * Java * data analytics

