Take a long-term view and build a shared vision with others act as a catalyst for organizational change. Influence others to translate vision into action. Technical Knowledge, Skills, and Assessment: * Posses knowledge of investigative procedures, concepts, principles and practices in order to review, analyze, prioritize and effectively manage an investigation program. * Posses the ability to write investigative reports and review those prepared by other employees, ensuring content is clear and concise, grammatically correct, has proper sentence structure and is free of typographical errors. * Have demonstrated through performance, excellent planning and organizational skills and the ability to prioritize and manage simultaneous tasks. * Posses a track record of supporting and leading project management or similar activities to deliver successful outcomes, with a strong focus on delivering to time, cost and quality. * Have shown through performance, an understanding of the risks involved in delivering an activity and the actions taken to reduce them. * Have shown through performance, an analytical and problem solving skills. * Have shown through performance, excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to successfully influence customers and colleagues. * Proven evidence of my ability to work well as a member of a team. * Ability to lead and/or supervise. * Knowledge of the principles, concepts, and techniques of personnel security and suitability programs. * Ability to interpret, process, and adjudicate suitability cases. * Ability to communicate effectively other than in writing. * Ability to communicate in writing

