Seeking a position in the IT or Electronics Field PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Extensive experience as a Maintenance Supervisor, Electronics Technician, Computer Technician/Operator and Electronics Instructor in Patriot, Hawk, and Nike Hercules Missile System MOS's (24T, 26H & 14E) totaling 35 plus years. Completed a BS in Business Information Systems at the University of Phoenix in 2002. Possess a Secret B I Security Clearance. Demonstrated experience with integrated Battalion and Fire Unit-to-Fire Unit (FU-FU) operations to include interoperability with HAWK and higher echelon. Demonstrated experience teaching PATRIOT organizational classes in the classroom and on the tactical equipment or Patriot Conduct of Fire Trainer in the following areas: RSOP/Survey, March Order and Emplacement, System Initialization and Mapping, Air Defense Mission (ADM) against Air-Breathing Threats (ABT) and Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM), Guided Missile Reload and ARTEP Battle Drills/Gunnery Tables. Specialized experience working with computer driven radar equipment, computer peripherals, solid-state devices, and microprocessor devices. Proven ability to handle data equipment (radios, switch panels, routers). Extensive experience in UNIX (Iris Ver. 5.1) DOS, Windows 8 Professional, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Visio and Computer Networks. Background knowledge in hardware and software upgrades to radar and computer equipment. Installing equipment modifications, computer networks, and verifying equipment performance by comparing tests to technical manuals. Additional familiarization with LAN, T1 - T100, DSL, Broadband and Fiber Optics. Strength in maintenance procedures and proficient at logistical techniques. Adept at trouble shooting faulty work procedures. Possess a Secret B I Security Clearance. Retired Military 22 yrs. with extensive experience as a Platoon /Motor Sergeant, Instructor of Nike Hercules, Hawk and PATRIOT Missile System, to include experience in assault rifles, 45 caliber handgun, machine guns, and grenades. Supervised as many as 33 soldiers during wartime and peacetime situations. Orchestrated smooth operations between mechanics, technicians, supply clerks, and operators. Experience as a Transportation Security Officer with 9mm hand gun and 12-gauge shotgun.

