Areas of Expertise Operations & Sales Competitor Analysis Territory Expansion Store Launches Target Marketing and Branding Recruiting and Training Coaching and Mentoring Franchise Relations/Training Organizational Change Problem Solving Team Communication Franchise Sales Organizational Assessment, Growth & Expansion * Early contributor to new concept start-up franchise and corporate salon chain, resulting in dynamic growth from six initial units to over 1000 units nationwide. Concept created new segment in hair salon industry achieving a values based franchise opportunity for entrepreneurs and number one ranking in "Entrepreneur Magazine." * Director grew corporate owned stores from 10 to 70 including acquisition of existing franchise salons and outside concepts. * Equity position with venture capital group that created and launched new children's specialty service concept and built Cool Cuts 4 Kids into national chain, from concept to 75 salons and within six years. * Successfully created market branding to identify company message including store design, employee presentation, placement, pricing, recruitment, training, retail products and client services for existing and new market promotions. * Transitioned 30-year-old business from organic to strategic growth utilizing infrastructure redesign and change management achieving consistency for future growth. Operations & Procedures * Created strategy and plan for infrastructure development to support growing field operations for corporate chains and franchise owners. * Consulted with executive management to create restructuring plan to jump-start a complacent and under productive municipal organization developing a fresh vision and mission. * Executive coaching in all areas of management, communication, performance appraisal and staff development Personnel & Staffing * Developed and implemented all personnel policies and procedures for recruitment and staffing, training, compensation, evaluations and retention. * Developed employee skills training to ensure consistent client experience and increase opportunities for add-on services and retail sales. * Established recognition programs to recognize and reward top talent, and support retention and recruitment. As a cooperate executive Lisa has been a VP/COO of Bubbles Salons, VP of operations of Cool Cuts for Kids and Director Supercuts/Regis. As a business and development consultant, Lisa has consulted to GME enterprises, Hair Works, Supercuts franchisees and Cool Cut's 4 Kids, Paws up Resort, the Chief Assistant District Attorney of San Francisco, Division of Adolescent Medicine, University of California San Francisco, and Frederick's of Hollywood. Lisa has been a keynote speaker at various franchise and management presentations and conferences in addition she has created and conducted individual training workshops to advance business management skills. In addition, she is a member of Micro Mentor, ASTD and is a financial supporter to KIVA micro-lending organization.

