SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Program Management and Business Development Experience * Skilled in oral and written communication. Capable of preparing and presenting recommendations and solutions for complex issues based on analysis and evaluation, including use of written reports, proposals, charts and graphs, etc. * Proficient in a wide range of operational strategies, program management practices, concepts and principles. Able to analyze data and develop recommendations for improving program operations, optimize spending and target objectives. * The ability to extend and modify existing techniques and methods to identify, isolate, and resolve special problems * Knowledgeable of basic statistical, accounting, budgetary, and economic principles. Skilled in applying complex fact-finding, and analytical problem solving methods to identify interrelated issues, draw conclusions and take appropriate action/offer solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness. * Skilled in business practices sufficient to review grants, contracts and purchase agreements and to evaluate grant submissions and grantee performance for compliance. * Experienced in communicating diplomatically with diverse constituencies of various backgrounds. * Able to establish and maintain effective professional relationships. Able to facilitate negotiation of complex issues with stakeholders, community leaders and service recipients. * Adept counseling and coaching techniques for resume writing, interview skills, and workforce development training. * Able to establish and maintain effective working relationships with job seeking customers and employers. Auditing, Compliance & Investigative Skills * Skilled at conducting detailed investigations of alleged misconduct, fraud and program abuse. * Expertise in making quasi-judicial written determinations based on applicable regulatory provisions and citation of law. * Interrogation, interviewing and fact-finding skills, able to validate information and determine credibility. * Specialized skill conducting interrogations and securing admissions/confessions, strategic investigations, data collection and analysis to prepare supported findings to provide high quality written and oral products. * Able to effectively identify performance issues to develop and implement solutions for remediation and restitution planning. * Able to identify and apply policy, regulations and rule violations to determine compliance. * Possesses interviewing skills and techniques necessary to develop the appropriate probing questions to solicit information while interfacing with alleged violators and/or customers.

