SKILL SUMMARY * 4 years of experience in Software Development Life Cycle. * Experienced in developing CMS based applications using Adobe CQ5/AEM, Apache Sling, Felix and OSGI. * Strong experience with setting up AEM/CQ5 using Maven and standard Eclipse tools. * Proficient in C, C++, Java. * Good knowledge of Java, Jsp, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring framework, Web technologies. * Experience in developing web applications using HTML, Java Script, JQuery, CSS, JSP, XML, J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, DAO. * Experience in using web services like REST and SOAP. * Extensive exposure to different Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies including Agile, Scrum. Project Summary: In this project, users give functional dependencies as input and the database tool performs operations like closure and produces results in 1NF, 2NF, 3NF automatically. All the computing disciplines specified by the IEEE/ACM/AIS curricula provide the general guidelines of a database design course but there are no guidelines given to meet the guidelines. How to take the students through all the stages of normalization is also an important problem to be considered. In the literature several books and papers have been published on databases. The classical database normalization technique has often relied on the definition of various normal forms. Understanding the normalization process require extensive relational algebraic backgrounds which most technologies are lacking. Operating system : Windows XP SP2 Front End Software : JAVA (JSP, JDBC), HTML. Project Summary: The project is about developing an ANDROID MOBILE APPLICATION to provide ease and direct access to the news for all registered users. Users have a unique personal ID, using which they can access news all around the world by just on click procedure. Also users can mention their area of interest and file complaints on their systems. The Administrator provides the required information as per the users request. Also he can see the list of all complaints, edit their status.

