Career Summary I am an experienced Muilt-Disciplined QAQC Inspector with more than 5 years' experience in the Oil and Gas sector and Construction/Fabrication sector. I have expertise k n o w l e d g e a n d e x p e r i e n c e in onshore and offshore process piping and pipelines, Non-destructive testing (Visual Inspection of welds, Dye penetrant Inspection, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Radiographic film interpretation, Ultrasonic thickness measurement, Ultrasonic flaw detection), Welding inspection (Generation/qualifying of WPS and Welders qualification test) a Construction of Equipment Skids, Pressure Vessels, platforms, structural welding, fabrication, Corrosion control (Painting/Coating inspection). I am also familiar with the use of International codes, standards and specification such as BS, EN, ASME, API etc., with proficient ability in QA documentations. I am looking for a challenging position to utilize my strength and abilities in the mentioned fields. Professional strength * Regulatory compliance * Quality control and Quality assurance * Versed in documentation procedures * Conversant with ISO, BS, ASME, AWS and API codes as applicable to NDT, Integrity inspection, Piping, structural and Welding inspection * A good team player * Pays attention to details * S t r o n g a b i l i t y t o w o r k w i t h o u t s u p e r vi s io n * Excellent communication skill (written and spoken). * Strong writing skills for preparation of quality assurance reports, quality systems manual updates etc. * Strong leadership skill * Strong mathematical skills with an understanding of statistics and statistical analysis of data * Strong ability to work well under pressure as well as keep up with several tasks at the same time.


Job Skills
