Experience Summary Over 45 years experience in Financial Management of which 37 have been dedicated to the water supply, sewerage and drainage sector in Pakistan including: Established a financial plan which included programme for forecasting demand for water supply, sewerage and drainage services which served as the basis for the planning and design of new facilities or the extension, rehabilitation or replacement of existing systems. Developed and implemented financial management systems to monitor and evaluate the financial performance of the construction and operations and maintenance of water supply, sewerage and principal storm water channels including pumping stations. Developed and implemented with the aid of consultants a highly successful billing and collection programme for all water rates, fees and charges, in respect to the services provided to the consumers. Closely involved in the following phases of Private Sector Participation (PSP) of Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore, an organization responsible to provide water supply, sewerage and drainage services to a population of 80 million of the city. PHASE-I Compilation of a Briefing Document of WASA Lahore for prospective operators. Compilation of Terms of Reference for consultancy services for a feasibility study. Selection of Management Contract option of PSP for WASA. Meetings with the prospective operators like Biwater of England Lyonnaise Des Eaux of France and Berliner Wasser Betriebe (BWB) of Germany. Preparation of Terms of Reference for Third Party Supervision of the Management Contract. PHASE-II Finalization of basic Financial, Operation and Performance parameters for the Management Contractor. Review and finalization of the proposed agreement for a Management Contract Preparation of Notice Inviting International Bids, Pre-bids meetings with International Operators. PHASE-III. Receipt of Bids, negotiation with BWB, the prospective Management contractor. Government of Punjab finally decided to close the PSP process for WASA due to various reasons. JICA CONSULTANT ( 03/2011 to 07/2016 ) Advisory services in organizational improvement of WASA Lahore & Gujranwala Mott MacDonald Pakistan (MMP) (01/2015 to 5/2015) Preparation of Master Plan for WASA Lahore - Institutional and Financial Sector

