Accomplishments * Cash and accrual - monthly, quarterly, annual - simple to multi entity audited consolidated financial statements up through $500,000,000 in sales. * Managed short and long term decisions on $40,000,000 line of credit in export business. * Ability to obtain new multi-million dollar operating lines of credit. * Restructured daily cash management, generating three times my salary in annual interest savings. * Part of management teams responsible for analysis of business environments leading to mergers, consolidations and expansions of business operations. * Restructured business from 1 to 10 partnerships to generate $450,000, for cost of $30,000 to take advantage of government program. * Selected new telephone system and vendor generating 40% savings. * Managed accounting staffs up to seventy five personnel. * Handled payroll systems from manual to 5,000 personnel per week computerized systems. * Set up accounting staff from scratch for ongoing business. * Reduced workers compensation insurance costs from 15% to 5% of payroll on 300 person staff. * Generated 50% in savings on general insurance premiums with equal coverage. * Involved in dissolution of plan of industry Health and Welfare Trust, * Cleanup of cash and accrual accounting records from internal to audited financial statements, from poor staff work to inadequate upgraded software implementations. * Expanded general ledger from one set of accounts to system tracking by crop, crop year, yield and acreage. Software Capabilities Business Works, SAP, Profitool, Timberline, QuickBooks, Yardi, AMSI, MRI, MAS 90, Excel, Word.

