CAREER SUMMARY: Experienced, business oriented IT Security Manager with extensive experience dealing with government regulations, contractors, and vendors, strong infrastructure technical background. Over fifteen years of expertise in all manner of Network Security, Secure Network/Software Design, Dev-Ops, Risk Assessment, Programming, Systems Analysis, Server environments, Network operations, and Plant Automation. Well versed in project management techniques to include EVMS, Lifecycle Cost, Basis of Estimate and Project Scheduling. * Master's thesis on OWASP top vulnerabilities, with methods of identification and mitigation. * Designed, programmed, managed, and delivered major software projects in inventory control, warehousing, medical surveillance, safety and health hazard management. * Provided software analysis/coding and supervised software teams for process, production, financial and inventory control, and orbital tracking systems, and SSDLC and Dev-Ops oversight and mitigating controls. * Configuration Control Manager for Air Force Space-Track site and Technical Software Security Officer for Army Chemical Weapons Demilitarization project.

