Occupation:Quality Assurance Specialist |
Location:Kent, WA |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary: * Overall 10+ years of experience in all the phases of development life cycle (SDLC) and testing like Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Integration testing, System Testing, and Automation testing. * More than "http://hadoopresume.blogspot.in/2015/09/hadoop-admin-with-2-years-experinece.html" \t "_blank" two years of experience in Hadoop Testing/ Administration built on ten years of experience of IT experience. * Experienced on working with Big Data and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). * Hands on Experience in working with ecosystems like HDFS, Big Data, RDBMS, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, OoZie. * Strong Knowledge of Hadoop and Hive and Hive's analytical functions. * Capturing data from existing databases that provide SQL interfaces using Sqoop. * Efficient in building hive, pig and map Reduce scripts. * Implemented Proofs of Concept on Hadoop stack and different big data analytic tools, migration from different databases (i.e Teradata, Oracle, MYSQL ) to Hadoop. * Loaded the dataset into Hive for ETL Operation. * Good knowledge on Hadoop Cluster architecture and monitoring the cluster. * Hands on experience in IDE tools like Eclipse, Visual Studio. * Experience in database design using Stored Procedure, Functions, Triggers and strong experience in writing complex queries for DB2, SQL Server. * Excellent problem solving skills, high analytical skills, good communication and interpersonal skills. * Expert of automated test tools-Selenium Web driver, JAVA, Soap UI, Web Services, and Backend Testing using Oracle. * Participate in all walk-through meetings, project status & release calls. * Executed various projects in Airlines, Banking, Healthcare and Telecoms Domains. * Experienced in using agile methodology for developing the projects. * Worked on MAINFRAMES as a developer like COBOL, JCL, DB2, VSAM, CICS, IMS-DB. * Experience in writing of Perl and shell scripts with UNIX platform. * Experienced in using XML related standards and technologies like XSD, DTD, JAXB, Xpath and XSLT. * Experience with database like Oracle, MySQL and DB2. * Hands on experience for Defect tracking & defect management from the discovery of defects, submitting the defects with elaboration so that developers are able to recreate & provide the fix faster, retesting of the fixed defects & tracking the defect status in defect tracking tools till it is closed. * Strong Exposure to various IDE and tools such as Eclipse, WID, My Eclipse and Rational Application Developer. Time gates (RTG) planning Stands determines the assignment of aircraft to gates/stands based on a user-defined scenario. The planning result is calculated from flight schedules relating to hard gate/stand rules soft gate/stand rules and base data information. Before each planning run you can select the Flight bar and navigate to the particular Stand/passenger gate publish to the particular Gate IN/Gate out. Responsibilities: * Replaced default metadata storage system for Hive with MySQL system. * Executed queries using Hive and developed Map-Reduce jobs to analyze data. * Developed Pig Latin scripts to extract the data from the web server output files to load into HDFS. * Testing load test by adding more throughputs and comparing the velocity of the application. Developed Hive queries for the analysts. Utilized Apache Hadoop environment by Hortonworks. Involved in loading data from LINUX and UNIX file system to HDFS. * Supported in setting up QA environment and updating configurations for implementing scripts with HIVE.

