SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: * Over 40 years of transportation engineering experience, 39 of which was with the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), in the development of many different projects and programs. * Served more recently as the Head Planning Engineer of the Planning Branch of the Highways Division for over 21 years, supervising 3 different sections composed of 30 to 40 professionals (engineers and planners), white collar workers (statisticians and clerical help), and blue collar workers (engineering technicians and aids). See below for a more detailed breakdown of the responsibilities of each of these 3 sections. * For over 15 years, supervised a staff of 4-7 engineers responsible for the preliminary and final design of many various types of transportation facilities, including major Interstate Freeways and Interchanges to numerous maintenance-type improvements (roadway surface improvements, shoulder improvements, drainage improvements, landscaping improvements, signing and pavement marking improvements). This included close coordination with our construction staff for interpretation of the plans and specs and help in contract change orders. * Was HDOT's point person in coordinating various projects and programs with City and County agencies, including coordination with the City and County of Honolulu's Rapid Transit project, the development of Long Range Land Transportation Plans, development of priorities for different types of projects and programs, including the funding of these projects and programs. * Very familiar with various transportation issues including all types of funding. * Have had a lot of experience in dealing with various public/private transportation agencies and stakeholders. * Extensive experience in public outreach. Was responsible for development of HDOT's Public Involvement Process. Have had much experience in dealing with controversial projects and facing an unhappy public at public meetings.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Stadium Engineer | 8/2014 - Present |


Job Skills
