K a n t a r M e d i a (formerly Nielsen, VNU, SRDS) V P M a r k e t i n g C o m m u n i c a t i o n s SRDS & Healthcare Research 2012 - Mar 2016 * Developed campaigns to build 1-1 relationships with 15,000 users to drive online product usage and build awareness of company's digital focus using content marketing and automation. Enewsletter frequency to bi-monthly with 20+% open rates new blog increased unique visitors 30+% annually introduced / increased frequency of webinars with 25-35% attendance rate of RSVPs new users and sales leads tracked/increased visits to login page from content. Made business case to implement a marketing automation system (Marketo) that increased digital communication documented and sped progress through sales funnel. Improved frequency and relevancy of outbound efforts to 100,000 media properties despite smaller marketing budget. Captured identified and converted leads to advertising clients increased communication department's throughput exponentially enabled changing around the change from print legacy business to rapidly evolving digital media data business. * Guided corporate culture change by creating consistent employee communication from leadership all employees using 1-1 executive coaching monthly Lunch & Learn meetings regular updates from leaders. Built employee understanding of their support of priorities and contribution to goals. * Documented the prospect journey and created content to move prospects through the sales funnel buy through loyalty programs to brand advocate. * Faced with constantly changing priorities and shrinking budgets from parent company created and realized annual marketing plans to support multiple product lines for online subscription service and advertising within that service. (2016 budget one quarter of 2006 budget $200,000.) Focused talent on content and automated programs tested new digital outlets to make case for additional spending on those that delivered ROI. * Played strategic role in concept development and implementation of two new digital products that required constant outreach to existing. Products Programmatic REACH enewsletter (generated usage) and Profile Visibility Report generated leads that converted quickly. * Needed compelling story of our subscribers to sell advertising. Key in development of user studies then leveraged results into industry visibility through multiple industry presentations content campaigns nurture streams and lead generation and messaging in Profile Visibility Report.

