Responsible position with a company established enough to 760-586-3652 have stable operating processes, yet flexible enough to recognize, encourage, and reward individual effort and innovation. 5404 Rocking Horse Lane Oceanside, CA 92057 Strongpoint: The flexibility and adaptability to handle shifting priorities and disparate roles within the organization: from research, to engineering, to manufacturing, to sales support, to customer support. BSEE, Photonics UCSD 1996 Things Done (Accomplishments) (Short form. Ask me to expand on any or all of them.) * Increased Throughput Capacity of Fiber Optic Sensor Test and Configuration (~ 6-fold) (IPITEK) o Organized, integrated, and automated several tedious manual operations. o Structured the product flow through the process. o Improved test accuracy and throughput by automating manual data collection. * Streamlined Test, Grading, and Classification of Fiber Optic Couplers (IPITEK) o Reduced labor by integrating grading, archiving, labeling, and reporting functions. o Eliminated need for manual reclassification of product in stock with "smart" labeling. * Set Up Production Line for 1. 5 um Laser (Laser Power) o Recruited as second in command for new group to establish and implement production and manufacturing operations to move our 1.5 micron laser from research to production. o Set up production line, established assembly and test processes. * Upgraded Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Performance (IPITEK) o Improved isolation while cutting cost with improved filter design. o Improved sensitivity while cutting cost with appropriate lens design. * Improved Floor Staff's Understanding of Product and Processes (IPITEK) o Improved production staff's understanding of processes by writing more accessible assembly instructions, explanatory diagram's and posters, personal presentations, etc. o Reduced errors with improved software interface on production and test stations. o Reduced floor staff's document load by integrating test reports into process instructions. John Norie ga 760-586-3652 Hire JohnNorie Things Done (Experience, Duties, Skills) * Engineering o Draft and implement test plans and reports o Improve manufacturing processes and equipment o Determine root cause of failures and specify proper corrective action o Draft and revise mechanical drawings for parts and assembly jigs o Product Release: design, specification, BOM, ECR/ECO, verification/validation, assembly instructions, test Plans, test reports, travelers, etc. * Manufacturing Support o Troubleshoot issues with manufacturing equipment, process, materials o Improve test procedures and reporting o Develop methods to explain technical processes to non-technical production staff o Develop programs to guide assembly and test technicians through the assembly process o Specify/Qualify/Validate vendors and products * Sales Support o Provide Sales staff with technical information to properly represent the company's products o Represent company at trade shows o Accompany Sales Staff to interface with prospect's technical staff o Train sales staff on new product and installation * Customer Support o Field customer technical queries: educate, troubleshoot, recommend o Advise customers on proper product selection, installation, and operation o Design, develop, and release new product in response to customer needs

