SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS MANAGEMENT Managed the operations of a county vital records department Supervised seven clerks in the production and delivery of vital records Processed weekly payroll for fourteen (14) staff Responsible for all areas of operations including inventory, supplies, equipment maintenance and repair Performed twice daily cash count and accounting reconciliation Planned for the development of a citywide substance abuse access system Supervised a staff of nine case managers in an urban emergency shelter Monitored clinician billing to ensure achievement of fiscal goals Drafted Request for Proposals for substance abuse services Participated in the implementation of new Department policies. EVALUATION Established protocols in the development of a wait list management system Evaluated data management procedures to ensure adequate services to clients with medical and/or psychiatric issues Developed, implemented and evaluated substance abuse prevention strategies Initiated and maintained system for compliance between diversion program and licensing authority. CLINICAL Assessed and investigated reports of child abuse and neglect Prepared court reports on state custody petitions Provided individual and group counselling to residents of recovery house Monitored milieu in a locked psychiatric unit Provided clinical supervision to a staff of four in a Housing and Urban Development funded community substance abuse intervention project.

