Mumbai on various My profession of work in farm on Litopaeneous Vannameii from pond preparation to till harvesting, all the maintenance of the pond. I also proficient in all the hydro biological par ameters i.e. testing of all the water parameters for their toxicity and affectivity, monitoring and manipulation s, population estimations, feed requirement calculations, Feed consumption monitoring and health check-up s and study of its behaviours. p rojects entitled under Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring. The project work has aided my experience in drafting and conducting of Marine Environmental Impact Assessment of Industries with dif -ferentially settings. 1 year 7 months research experience in National Institute of Oceanography Incudes: * Collection and analysis of water sample including water quality and sediment quality and biological characteristics (phytoplankton zooplankton benthos microbiology and fishes) and intertidal sample collection. Identification of Mesozooplankton up to group level and taxonomy of marine fishes.
Job Skills