PROFILE More than fifteen years of professional experience in evaluating, recommending and resolving corrective action in electronics/electromechanical repair. Substantial experience with high voltage supplies used in ESP precipitators, oil refining, UPS systems and beam supplies for communications. Proven reputation for troubleshooting, problem solving and resourceful customer service skills. Recognized as a diligent tenacious worker who can develop and maintain a productive rapport with members at technical and management levels. Skilled in determining realistic goals, monitoring and documenting progress of planning, scheduling and establishing project performance. ISCET Certification in Industrial and Electronics Technology. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS to * Evaluate electro-mechanical and electronic issues for air pollution control desalinization and communications * Perform calibrations, troubleshooting and commissioning of power supplies (Rectifiers, Inverters (IGBTs/SCRs) TRs, Choppers, Static Switches * Interact with engineers, technicians, distributors and service representatives. * Varian Transformers and Inductors for Imaging Equipment (performed troubleshooting and installs) * Provided Troubleshooting and replacement for X-ray tubes, Power supplies, Beam collimators * Perform and complete project repairs.


Job Skills
