A challenging position in purchasing and supply chain management interfacing with sales and operations and systems to improve of processes, enhance productivity and improve financial performance. Vice President -Operations Pentax Medical 2010 - Present Provide leadership in Purchasing, Production, Material Planning, Warehousing and Logistics functions for GI and ENT divisions in a fully implemented SAP enterprise. During my tenure daily cycle counting was initiated and inventory accuracy has improved to 99.9% in new merchandise and service parts warehouses. Inventory turns have improved to over 11 annually and inventory investment declined by over $4 million while customer fulfillment service levels increased to over 85% of orders shipped within three days. As a result of these efforts year over year sales have increased 22%. New contracts were negotiated with all major transportation carriers with annual savings of over $650K. Sales territories were configured by region to provide demo assets to lower freight costs and support a better point of sale. Initiated SOP - Sales and Operations- planning meeting to foster better communication to assure product availability for shows, convention and other marketing initiatives. Supply Chain Lead Saati Americas 2003 - 2010 Lead operation assignments in purchasing, logistics, materials management, production planning and ERP system review and audits in food processing, acoustics, medical device manufacturing, chemical manufacturing and printing supplies divisions. Accomplishments include: * Improved inventory accuracy to 99%+ by implementing bar-coding and aggressive cycle counting programs. * Implemented SAP for SOP (SD), Production Planning (PP) and Materials Management (MM) on-time and on budget for two divisions of the company. * Increased customer service level by using MRP, DRP and statistically calculated safety stocks based on lead times and desired customer service level - 98%. * Negotiated corporate freight agreements yielding over $775,000 in savings. * Implemented supplier metrics with buyer/planner teams to improve vendor delivery and quality by implementing ISO9001. Responsible for distribution sites in North America including Toronto, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, while interfacing with Europe and Asia. Vice President - Materials, Finance and System Amtronics /Tyco Int'l Group 2000 - 2003 Responsibilities included manufacturing, logistics, financial cost accounting, purchasing, materials management and management information systems. Notable results include: * Inventory turnover improvement from 2 to 6+ turns annually. * Successfully implemented QS9000 quality system and reduced rework and rejects (less than 1% of COGS) * Increased net income by 68% by cost containment programs and order fulfillment increases. * Improved inventory accuracy while reducing inventory from 7.7 million to less than $5 million. * Positioned the company to win major contracts with Tyco, Ford, Borg-Warner and Maytag for automated pneumatic and hydraulic connector insertion equipment.

