SUMMARY Highly adaptable, out-of-the-box thinker, who converts ideas into reality. Veteran manager with broad and deep experience as a writer, public relations and development consultant and university program manager. Provides the glue and spark to inspire teams to be cohesive and productive, whether those teams are new or established. Accomplishments included: * Co-founded and served as co-executive director of the Pennsylvania Children's Literacy Council, a public relations, lobbying, and research organization. * Secured a $200,000 grant from state government to provide libraries to Head Start centers produced TV public service announcements promoting reading out loud. * Co-founded and served as co-executive director of BOOKPAC, a first-in-the-nation PAC devoted to supporting candidates who could advance the cause of children's literacy. NEWPAPER COLUMNIST, REPORTER, & RADIO COMMENTATOR Philadelphia City Paper & WHYY - FM, Philadelphia, PA 1991-1994 * Wrote bi-weekly column and news stories for Pennsylvania's largest weekly newspaper. * Wrote and delivered bi-weekly commentaries on politics and government aired by National Public Radio Station WHYY in Philadelphia during NPR's "Morning Edition" program. SENIOR PARTNER,

