Occupation:Network Security Engineer |
Location:San Jose, CA |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary: To avoid the switch buffer overflow of data by reducing the queuing delay even under the circumstances where a massive number of burst flows. It proposes a new scalable congestion control protocol, called SCCP, that is implemented to the Software Defined Networking (SDN) data center switches. Tool - C ++, tcpdump, NS3 simulator, DCTCP, SDN, Linux Platform Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in MANET using NS3 Simulator. (Fall 2016) Summary: To do performance comparison on MANET routing protocols: Ad-hoc On Demand Summary: A distributed database system implementation consisting three servers and two clients with bidirectional UDP sockets and TCP socket. Tool - TCP, UDP, Python, Linux platform TCP Sender. (Spring 2016) Summary: Aim of the project is to getting familiarity with ns-3 system and building a single tcp sender. Tool - Python, tcpdump, Linux Platform Configuration of a CISCO 3750 switch using STP-PVST. (Fall 2015) Summary: Switch 1 was configured to make it as a primary root bridge for data VLANs and Switch 2 was configured to make secondary root bridge for data VLANs. STP command was configured on the switches to converge STP data transfer faster in case of network indirect failure. Tool - PuTTy, CISCO Switch command, STP Web Crawler ( Fall 2016) Summary: Built a web crawler to read the entire webpage to collect all the links, headers & titles of the page using BeautifulSoup model. Tool - Python. Speech Synthesis. (Fall 2016) Summary: Modelling of unvoiced sound by finding power spectral density and periodogram. Unvoiced sound is modeled by passing discrete-time white Gaussian noise through an LSI filter with system function. Tool - MATLAB Image Statistical Analysis and Its Application to Digital Forensics. (Summer 2014) Summary: Image tampering detection using Columbia data Set. Tool - MATLAB Publication: 'Image Statistical Analysis and Its Application to Information Forensics' - Poulami Chakraborty, Jingyu Ye, Dr. Yun Q Shi. Seventh International Summer Research Symposium, 31st July, 2014, NJ, USA.

