COVER LETTER: 4/8/2017 Dear Sir: Attached you will find a detailed account of my experiences, This cover letter will give you an overview of those experiences. I have served as: 1. A Technical writer of Safety, Emissions, and Recall bulletins for Ford Motor Co., Dear born, Mi. 2. As the Director of the Automotive Teacher Training Department, for Norfolk State College, Norfolk, Virginia. 3.The Northeastern Heavy Truck Parts and Service Manager for the Boston District Office of Ford Motor Co. and 4. As an auto, medium Truck, heavy truck and city bus mechanic for the Norfolk City Bus and Truck Company, Norfolk, Va. If i can be of service to your company, Please call me at (313) 655 9283 Cell or (313) 8650094 Home. Thank you Ernest R. Williams Sr. 1232 W. Boston, Blvd. Detroit, Mi 48202.