F UL L ST AC K WE B DE V E L OPE R KV I TE B K RE ATI V E M E DI A S O LU TI O N S 2016 - PRESENT * Rapidly prototyped a variety of full-stack features including RESTful APIs with C# and ASP.NET Web API 2 server-side views with C# and ASP.NET MVC 5 and dynamic client-side interfaces with Ajax JSON JQuery and AngularJS. * Used SQL Server 2016 to create and to maintain stored procedures making use of table-valued types and the Geography datatype as well as to design tables with appropriate foreign key relationships. Used ADO.NET to execute stored procedures from middle tier that incorporated multiple joins and result sets to hydrate aggregate domain models. * Built generic commenting system for various content types with a self-contained Angular component on the front end and a common SQL table on the back end. * Leveraged JQuery FullCalendar to visualize event content in a calendar format and location search using SQL Server Geography * Integrated SoundCloud content via Ajax into a paginated AngularJS front end providing preview capabilities with HTML 5 Audio element. Managed supervised directed and cared for residents including creating plans of action for each resident assisting them with task management and coordinating groups. Specialized in customs software communicating with Customs Officers to release shipments and also importers additionally acted in an accounting role.

