SUMMARY * Team leader in the installation of two Fully Integrated MRP Systems: Solomon Software and Micro-Max/Dynamics Software. * Developed accounting and reporting system for startup with sales of 6 million and manual accounting system to sales of 20 million and a fully functional integrated MRP computerized accounting system. * Lead person in the training of 80+ employees in the use of computerized accounting system. * Created 500+ reports using Crystal Report Writer integrated with Micro-Max database and Dynamics Report Writer with Dynamics database. Also, familiar with Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Report Smith. * Well versed in yearend audit procedures with outside Auditors, worked with Peat Marwick LLP and Ernst & Young LLP. * Took leadership role from Oct 2001 to March 2002 to train employees in material control resulting in a yearend inventory adjustment of .2% from an inventory adjustment of 35.2 % the previous year. * Developed and maintained operating procedures and work instructions for material recording and costing. * Developed procedures for capturing database information for downloading into Excel for analysis purposes. * Developed methodology and procedures for reviewing actual build cost vs. BOM vs. budget. * Developed Excel spreadsheet model to aid in creating budgets and comparing and analyzing Actual/Budget. * Developed Database for costing, payment, and tracking of subcontractor work with Crystal Report Writer for various reporting by subcontractor, builder, neighborhood, and lots. * Developed database for tracking of employee's rate of pay, increase, dates, etc. * Developed various internal forms and files for human resources in compliance with state laws. * Oversaw three divisions to maintain compliance with internal and external rules and regulations. * Reduced internal Financial Statement preparation from two months to 15 days.

